Category Archives: On Annai Vailankanni Shrine

References on Annai Vailankanni Shrine

Assayag, Jackie and G. Tarabout (eds.). 1997. Altérité et identité. Islam et christianisme en Inde, Paris: Editions de l’EHESS.

Clémentin-Ojha, Catherine. 2008. Les chrétiens de l’Inde: Entre castes et églises. Paris: Albin Michel

Clémentin-Ojha, Catherine. 1993. “Indianisation et enracinement: les enjeux de l’inculturation de l’Eglise en Inde”. Bulletin de l’Ecole Française d’Extreme-Orient, 80, pp. 107-133

Clémentin-Ojha, Catherine.1993. “L’indigénisation du christianisme en Inde pendant la période coloniale”. Archives des sciences sociales des religions, 103, pp. 5-19

Mayaram, Shail. 2004. “Beyond Ethnicity? Being Hindu and Muslim in South Asia.” In Lived Islam in South Asia: Adaptation, Accommodation, and Conflict, edited by Imtiaz Ahmad and H. Refield. New Delhi: Social Science Press.

Roberts, Nathaniel. 2017. To Be Cared For: The Power of Conversion and Foreignness of Belonging in an Indian Slum. Oakland: University of California Press.

Sebastia, Brigitte. 2002. Mâriyamman-Mariyamman. Catholic Practices and Image of Virgin in Velankanni (Tamil Nadu). Pondicherry: Pondicherry French Institute, Pondy Papers in Social Sciences, 27, 73 p.

Younger, Paul. 1992. “Velankanni Calling: Hindu Patterns of Pilgrimage at a Christian Shrine”, In Sacred Journeys. The Anthropology of Pilgrimage, edited by Alan Morinis. Westport, Connecticut, London, Greenwood Press.